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Rep. Parkinson advances bill to help restore citizenship rights
April 4, 2024, 1:56 p.m.

NASHVILLE, TN - State Representative Antonio Parkinson of Memphis has advanced a bill to help restore citizenship rights to many deserving Tennesseans. Currently in Tennessee, certain convicted felons who have paid their debt to society remain ineligible for basic citizenship rights including the right to bear arms, to serve on a jury, to vote or run for political office, or serve as a fiduciary financial advisor. The legislation, (HB2380), would provide a pathway for the restoration of rights to many who have turned their life around and are deserving of citizenship.

The measure also clarifies the steps to voting rights restoration that was used prior to the recent Supreme Court decision that prompted the State Election Commissioner to opine that you have to have your gun rights restored in order to get your right to vote reinstated. Rep. Parkinson said “Although, we have more hurdles to clear, the passing of House Bill 2380 out of the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee is a huge first step to clearing some of the bureaucratic noise that stands in the way of our Tennessee citizens receiving their rights back.”

The bill, which has a Republican sponsor in the Senate, has already passed unanimously through a Senate committee and is ready for placement on the full Senate Calendar. The next step in the House is for it to come before the full Criminal Justice Committee. If you would like to support the bill, you are urged to call, email or visit members of the House Criminal Justice Committee and ask them to support and vote for HB2380 before it comes up for a vote next week.

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