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Kennedy gains ballot access in Tennessee
June 13, 2024; 6:56 p.m.

NASHVILLE, TN - The Kennedy campaign has submitted the required signatures to gain ballot access in Tennessee. The team turned in 1,025 signatures, nearly four times the required amount.

“I am beyond grateful to be part of history today in Nashville, Tennessee,” said Tennessee Volunteer Lead Tommy Aceto. “Ensuring Mr. Kennedy gets on every state's ballot is important to me because I believe in the concept of freedom, which I fought for and many of my brothers died for.”

“As an advocate for veterans with mental health issues, I believe it’s vital our service members, first responders, and medical care providers have access to the best care to heal the invisible wounds of service and war. If you believe in liberty, Kennedy is the remedy.”

The campaign’s aggressive ballot access operation has surpassed all its milestones to ensure the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The ballot access operation is fully funded with more than $15 million raised.

The Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is officially on the ballot in eight states — Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Texas, and South Carolina.

It has collected enough signatures for ballot access in 13 other states — New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Idaho, Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Minnesota, and now Tennessee.

The Kennedy-Shanahan campaign has collected the signatures needed for ballot access in 20 states, totaling 289 electoral votes, 54% of the 538 total electoral votes nationwide.

On May 1, the Kennedy campaign released results from a Zogby poll showing Kennedy beats both Presidents Biden and Trump in head-to-head matchups. Kennedy is the first independent ever to defeat both major party candidates in head-to-head matchups.

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