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In Pictures: Street scenes from 8,600 feet in Bogotà
By Tom Adkinson
September 9, 2022

BOGOTA, Colombia – After you catch your breath in sky-high Bogotà (the capital city of Colombia is at 8,600 feet elevation in the Andes Mountains), you are certain to explore the people-packed, art-filled, appetite-enticing center of the city. More than 7 million of Colombia’s 50 million people live in Bogotà, which is a melting pot of the nation. There are world-class museums, such as the simply named but elegant Gold Museum, architecture from the 16th century, more varieties for food than you can imagine (you can enjoy a different fruit or edible seed every day of the year) and plenty of smiling faces. Here’s a sample from a single walkabout.

Welcome to the House of Democracy

bogota colombia
Signs welcome you into Plaza de Bolivar, a central point for Bogotà walking tours. The Colombian flag flies over the Justice Palace, and beyond it is the Cathedral of Colombia, commissioned in 1539 by the city’s founder, Gonzalo Jimenez Quesada, who is buried there. Also on the plaza is the Capitalio Nacional, where the legislature meets, and in the middle of the plaza is a statue of Simon Bolivar, the military and political leader who led what became Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Panama and Bolivia to independence from the Spanish empire. Image by Tom Adkinson

Mango on the plaza

bogota colombia street food
Street food options on the Plaza de Bolivar include fruit carts with treats such as spiral cut mango that is first accented with lemon juice and then sweetened with honey. A single cup is plenty for two. Image by Tom Adkinson

Try a beverage other than a Coca-Cola

beverage cart bogota
You can get a Coca-Cola almost anywhere in the world, Bogotà included, but why not try something local? This vendor is selling steaming servings of aromatica, a beverage with numerous fruits and spices. If you want to add some special spice (such as in a shot of whiskey, rum or other adult beverage), ask for a canelazo. Image by Tom Adkinson

Real sweethearts

bogota sweethearts
These two sweethearts were happy for the hundreds of people strolling through the Plaza de Bolivar to see their affection for each other. Image by Tom Adkinson

Murals Abound

murals bogota
Muralists have a field day in Bogotà. Intricate murals with vivid colors are abundant as you walk through the historic part of the city. The subject matter is quite diverse – from myths of Bolivia’s indigenous peoples to depictions of modern myths, such as the Hulk and movie action heroes. Image by Tom Adkinson

A floral walkway

bogota flowers While it may seem that everywhere you walk is uphill in Bogotà, at least this block in the Candelaria neighborhood is decorated with a wall covered in thunbergia alata, commonly known as black-eyed Susan vine. Image by Tom Adkinson

Inexpensive money art

money art
The wrecked economy in neighboring Venezuela is so bad that the tiny rectangular canvases here are Venezuelan currency. Images range from human portraits to tropical birds in the Amazon rainforest to mythical creatures. The Colombian economy is solid, however, but the exchange rate makes for some surprising prices. An American dollar is worth about 4,000 pesos, so it can be a shock to see a handicraft item priced at 50,000 pesos until you realize that that is about $7.50. Image by Tom Adkinson

Trip-planning resources: Colombia.Travel and

(Travel writer Tom Adkinson’s book, 100 Things To Do in Nashville Before You Die, is available on

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