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athletic support by eli cranor Auditions getting in the way of volleyball
September 26, 2021

Eli Cranor is a former professional quarterback and coach turned award-winning author. Please use the “Contact” page at to send in questions for “Athletic Support.”

Dear Athletic Support: So, my daughter wants to audition for school play but has a volleyball game the same day as auditions. She’s in high school. She’s been playing volleyball since she was nine, but she is really interested in the play this year for some reason. It seems really strange to me. She’s never acted or danced or anything like that. I just don’t get why she’s all the sudden interested in the school play. Anyway, she’s scared to ask the coach if they can work something out between the audition and the game because she thinks she has to “give her all” to volleyball. Which, if I’m being super honest — I’m kind of proud that that is her attitude. So, yeah, long story short. What should we do?

— V-Ball 4 Life

Dear V-Ball: A volleyball game and auditions for the school play on the same day sounds like bad scheduling on somebody’s part.

With that being said, though, I do realize there are a ba-zillion school activities going on this time of year. It’s much harder than you think to try to organized and schedule all of these events so they don’t overlap.

Since your daughter didn’t have anything to do with the scheduling conflict, it shouldn’t negatively impact her. It’s not like this is a family trip or something that she’s doing outside of school. These are two school-sponsored activities that she wants to take part in.

And she should get to.

Here’s what I’d do. Since it’s an actual volleyball game and not just practice, I would try and work it from the play side. Have her go talk to the theater teacher and see if she can audition at another time. Surely, she can read her lines before/after the game, or even on another day.

If everything works out, she’ll get the part she wants in the play and still be on the team too.

The one thing I would caution you on here, though, is prioritizing your daughter’s interests. Sounds to me like you were pretty high on her volleyball game and not all that excited about the play.

And listen, I get it. I’m guilty of trying to finagle my kids toward things that I want to do, but in the end that’s not what’s best for them. The best approach is to always let their interests lead the way.

Call for questions!

It’s that time of year again. The time when I have to beg you for questions! Please remember this column can’t exist without thoughtful questions.

Even if you don’t have a kid in athletics, you can still write a question. Everything remains anonymous, and I like to think we’re doing some good putting these columns out in the world.

So if you can find the time, please shoot me questions at

Previous columns:

Foul language on the sideline
Laundry Stinks
Fit more important than price when it comes to cleats
Facebook ads and too many practices
Coach pushing vaccine on players
Youth sports like a cult
Coach’s pregame speech too crazy for kids
Championship rings and multiple sweatbands — too much?
Working out over the Dead Weeks?
Summer School Blues
Practices running late causing problems
Softball games going past midnight
Are athletes getting better with age?
Are team sports a vital part of childhood?
Summer schedule way too serious
What if I can’t afford private speed camps?
Quarterback lacks speed
Should pro athletes talk politics?
How to take a hit
Wrestling in college, what’s the point?
Removal of mask requirement could cost us games
Overachieving daughter stinks at sports
Why are we playing all the small schools?
Freshmen don’t make varsity, usually
Kids have changed, haven’t they?
Esports and disc golf bigger than football?
Little pitchers have big ears
Pregame music offensive
Fouls in girls basketball
Red Shirting
Coach makes political post
7th grade girls basketball woes
Multi-million-dollar buyouts don’t make sense
Private schools have the upper hand
Best of 2020

Athletic Support Columns 2020

Outside of athletics, kids’ brains are also at risk. Who knows what sort of impact virtual learning will have on their cognition and critical thinking skills. In this regard, I offer one simple tool — a good book! And luckily, I know just the book for kids struggling with the shift to virtual learning:


books make brainz taste badOkay, you caught me… I’m the author of this book. It was published last week and awarded a #1 New Release ranking on Amazon. BMBTB deals directly with the same topic covered in this column, except in a much more lighthearted, kid-friendly way (zombie teachers and brain-munching screens!)

If you end up purchasing this book for your children or grandchildren, I only have one final suggestion — ask them to read it while standing up!

Eli Cranor's new book Books Make Brainz Taste Bad has just been released. ZOMBIES HATE BOOKS! Especially the zombie teachers at Haven Middle School. That's why they're using VR headsets to fry kids' brainz. Luckily, Dash Storey knows how to save his classmates from the zombie teachers—BOOKS! They make brainz taste bad!

"Eli Cranor has an almost unbeatable advantage. He can remember how it felt to think like a twelve-year-old and he can see the very same events like the adult he is. Don't try to resist this book!"
- Jack Butler, Pulitzer-Prize nominated author


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